Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Heart Just Melted

Ok, so I have music playing and Jonathan is "dancing" while watching himself in the reflection of the tv. Well really he's just shaking his head from side to side and shrieking with joy! It is just precious. I tried to get a video, but everytime he stops and comes after the camera. Well I guess I better write a whole blog now since I'm here.

So Jonathan is 7 months old today. He has mastered crawling and sitting this past week. Who needs a dog when you have a baby following you from room to room. In all seriousness though, he's become so much more difficult to watch. Jonathan is constantly after things he shouldn't have or going places he shouldn't be, such as the bathroom and kitchen. I'm so afraid when he crawls on hard flooring. He's already smashed his face a couple time, I hope he's learning to be more careful. Jonathan can go from his tummy to perfect sitting position now, and has become rather good at keeping his posture. And lastly, he can say......Dada! Craig wins this round. However he does not say it directly relating to Craig, but it's a start. JK is no where saying mama but I'm sure it will be his most used word before too long.

In a typical week, I usually get out of the house maybe 3 times, 2 of which are to class. Needless to say, I was  craving some adult friend interaction. So, I headed up to Kennesaw last night for the evening...All by myself! It was indeed lovely and I was really glad too see friend I hadn't seen in months and some in even years. I am also thankful for Craig offering to take care of Jman all night. When i got home at...ahem 12:30, Craig told me that J had woken up a couple of time since his bedtime at 9. I asked him how that went and he said "fine, it took him 15 minutes to go back to sleep the first time and only 5 the second." Welp I guess we are going to start the ferber method after all. I had always pick Jonathan up the first hint of noice during the night for fear of him waking Craig, well and also because I'm a sucker for my crying baby. It's going to be tough for the next couple of days, but with Craig helping and supporting me I think we can do it. I'm planning on alotting for 2 feedings during the night 2 AM and 7 AM, 5 hours apart and hopefully cutting that down to one before too long. Right now 5 hours of sleep sounds heavenly though, so I'm content.

Craig and I are doing great. Craig had a 2nd interview with Sprint yesterday. This would be a wonderful job for him, both for his interest and his resume. We will know if he gets it by this Monday, so prayers are most appreciative. However, if the job doesn't fit quite right, his resume has already been placed in a hat for another job in a different department of Sprint. So lets hope he gets one of them.

Ok, I am now going to unload a mountain of pictures that I have been hoarding all year. I will start with the oldest pictures and end with the most recent.

3 Months- Learning how to grab and put things in his mouth

3 1/2 Months- Grandma and J in front of our Christmas tree

Great Grandma and Jonathan

3 Months- My boys!

4 Months- Tasting cereal for the first time

4 1/2 Months- SNOW

4 1/2 Months- Peas Please

5 Months

5 Months- Practicing sitting

5 Months

5 1/2 Months- Look at how big he's getting

5 1/2 Months

6 Months-
This is the other babies from our birthing class. We get together every month or so. It's alot of fun!

6 Months- I love this picture!

6 Months- So big!

6 Months- My modest baby

6 1/2 Months-
Sitting on his own, got there on his own too!

6 1/2 Months

6 1/2 Months

6 1/2 Months- "I woke up!"

7 Months- Baby Butt pictures

7 Months

7 Months- Jonathan standing up in his duck tub
 Well that's all folk! I'll post videos on my Facebook soon :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

JK Bush- The Great Transitioner

Oh goodness me. First off, I am sorry that I have neglected to update our blog this year (clears away cobwebs). I resumed classes this semester. Wishing to finish off my degree as soon as possible, and thinking that I just may be Superwoman, I took on 5 classes. 4 are online classes and I attend the other on campus 8-9:15 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays. Craig has been a great help through it all. He watches the little man while I learn Accounting. They have developed a very close bond and I am so grateful that I am able to attend class during the evening so that they get to spend time with each other. Oy, its been rough, but in good spirits I am half way done with the semester.

Now then, an update regarding Jonathan. Jonathan is about 6 1/2 months old. At his check up last week, he measured in at 25% in weight and 20% in height (oh no, i think he may have Moulton shortness!). His size is certainly not from lack of food. He is always eager to eat. Just last night, after polishing off his rice cereal and berries, Jonathan decided to join Craig and I for dinner as well. He's had one dinner yes, but what about second dinners? He then enjoyed some green beans, alfredo noodles, bbq chicken and corn bread with us. We've yet to find a food JK refuses to eat.

Also, if you are having trouble getting your little one to drink from a sippy cup, try a straw cup. Jonathan didn't understand how to drink from a sippy cup, so we tried out a straw cup (recommend by a friend with the same problem). Jonathan figured it out in less than 2 minutes. I know you're all thinking, What about spills and leaks!? Well we got this one: and it works fabulous. No spills, no leaks...well unless you don't screw the top on right. Previously we had just been dumping water over JK's mouth as he attempted to drink from a regular cup. Minimizing the messes...Good!

As the title suggests, Jonathan has reached a couple of milestones since I last posted. "Well duh you say, we haven't been updated since NOVEMBER!" Ok ok, sorry. I will try to be much better in the future. Moving on...Jonathan is now a mobile fella. No, not quite crawling yet, more like scooting, lunging, spin and rolling. At any rate, anything left on the floor is now in danger of being chewed on, slobbered and thrown! Jonathan can also sit by himself, until he becomes overly excited that is. His newest trick is to almost get in sitting position from his tummy. He certainly doesn't sit still for long anymore.

Even with his determination to get places, we still manage to get our cuddles in for Jonathan still co-sleeps with us for about 1/2 the night. For every 2 hour he spends sleeping in his crib alone, he sleep another hour with us. Therefore, I am woken up 4-5 times a night. I'm not sure I'm ready to do CIO training yet, but something needs to change here. Also, naps...Jonathan only naps for more than 30-45 minutes if I am napping with him. What is this monster I have created?

Since Jonathan's mobility, toys are everywhere! Yesterday, we picked a big bucket for which to store his toys in. On the way home I expressed my excitement to Craig about picking up all of J's toys. His response was, "I don't think I will ever be as "Excited" to clean up toys as you are right now." Maybe so, however the other night when he got home from Wednesday night bowling, I had  cleaned all of Jonboy's toy and Craig recognized it as cleaning the whole apartment. He will appreciate a clean living room it for sure.

Well that's it for now. It is lunch time, I have a paper to write by tonight and extra laundry because someone wet our bed this morning. Lets visit again soon

Friday, November 26, 2010

A Lot of Ground Time

Jonathan is 3 months old today. I honestly cant believe that it has been 3 whole months. Hes a lot of  fun at this stage, nothing but smiles and giggles. Well except the occational bubble blowing. This little guy has already doubled his birth rate and learning new things everyday.

Now for a lot of pictures!

                                        Funny Face
 This is what happens when I dont do laundry for a week....

This is one of my favorites

 I think this turned it to a roll

 Ha ha, another funny face
 This is to show how tall he is, more than the depth of the couch

They are a little bit out of order. Apparently some pictures upload faster than others and thats the order they appear on the page. I need to put all my pictures on a flash drive or photobucket so that if Craigs computer  crashes for whatever reason, I wont loose them all.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. First we spent the morning and afternoon with my family and then the evening at Craigs parents. Heres Jonathan and grandma

 And my boys relaxing

Thats all Folks!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where Does the Time go?

Im absolutely terrible at updating our blog. Everyday just seems to go by so fast. Ok, lets see. Jonathan is now 10 weeks, lets say 2 1/2 months. Hes is quite the little man now. He weighs 12 lbs 2 ounces and is 23 inches as of Tuesday. According to the WHO growth chart, Jonathan is right at 50% in weight and height. He enjoys a good conversation with daddy when he gets home. He tells Craig all about our day.

Jonathan has also started rolling over, actually he first rolled over 3 weeks ago. I didnt even see it. We were at my parents house and my mom said that see had seen him roll over from his tummy to his back...Twice! Since then, I never find him in the same position I lay him down in. Ive found him completely turned around one morning. The other night, Craig found him, screaming, with his head against the railing and an arm throught a slat. Poor boy.
Another thing about our boy, is that he loves diaper changes. Ive seen babies who kick and scream through the whole process, but Jonathon just loves them. Sometimes when he's crying, we will change him, whether he really needs it or not, and he will become nothing but smiles and giggles. I guess its our substitute for the pacifier. Jonathan has no interest in them, he does however suck on his hand quite a bit.

Last Thursday Jonathan laughed for the first time, well first time wake. He giggles to himself alot while he sleeps. I have yet to get him to do it again, but that one time was precious. This stage is so much fun. He has become so interactive and responsive to voices. Alot of "oo"s and "grrr"s when we talk to him.
Ok now for some pictures, in order from oldest...

Happy boy for a diaper change

 I tried uploading a video of Jonathan rolling over but the server rejected it for some reason. Ill try putting in on my facebook page, hopefully that will work